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It all started inside a Mother’s Womb!

In 1823, Dr Joannes Evangelista Purkinji found that the patterns on one’s finger tips, ridges and lines on one’s prints begin to form at around the thirteenth week in the womb. Interestingly, he discovered a connection in the process of formation of these patterns and brain.


Later on, it was found that the formation of brain was in sync with the formation of certain patterns on the fingertips of the baby. Right brain was corresponding to the left hand’s finger patterns and left brain was corresponding to the right hand’s finger patterns.

One Big Discovery

After years of experiments, Dr Herold Cummins discovered the corelation of a person’s fingertips with the behaviour of the brain and the overall personality.


He came to a conclusion that the skin texture and arc structure of the fingertips can identify a person's innate talent based on its connection with different cortex of the brain. He Studied all aspects of fingerprint analysis, from anthropology to genetics to embryology and established the theory of Dermatoglyphics in 1926. The Brain Manual is based on the same theory and analysis.

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3i Model

The Brain Manual is based on the 3i Model. Identification, Interpretation and Implementation. Through this unique model of personality test, The Brain Manual reveals the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a person.


For the identification purpose, we capture all the 10 fingerprints of a person and with that, we identify the bird personality type to proceed further. These bird personality types are broadly differentiated in 4 major categories. Dominant – Interactive – Supportive – Compliant.

Dominant: "D" Eagles are daring, decisive, direct, and driven.

Interactive: "I" Peacocks are imaginative, influential, intuitive and inspirational.

Supportive: "S" Doves are sincere, steadfast, sympathetic and satisfied.

Conscientious: "C" Owls are cautious, critical, compliant, consistent.

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After the initial identification, the fingerprints are further analysed and interpreted to retrieve potentials and challenges of the person. The goal is to amplify the potentials and control the challenges.  

A person may have potentials ranging from one to nine and challenges from one to five. The knowledge, awareness and acceptance of potentials and challenges help us understand why we behave in a certain way under certain circumstances with certain people.


This is the third and final step of The Brain Manual’s 3i Model. It consists of personalised description and explanation of the personality traits, behaviour patterns, and SWOT analysis. 

This detailed knowledge helps the person to make decisions, adopt and implement favourable habits and traits for the maximum benefit. At this stage, a National University certified consultant leads session to provide him with a solid action plan to enhance the strengths and cop-up with the challenges.  

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The Brain Manual is an extensive tool to know the human brain in a scientific manner. With The Brain Manual, you can know more about the personality, strengths, weaknesses and hidden abilities.

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